SYPS 2023
IEEE PELS Students and Young Professionals Symposium 2023
Shanghai, China
Title: Understanding the IEEE Journal Peer-Review Process – A Detailed Walkthrough
Fei Gao, University of Technology of Belfort-Montbeliard
Abstract: This talk provides an in-depth exploration of the peer-reviewing process in IEEE journals, starting from the manuscript submission to the final decision communication, with each crucial step being outlined and explained. Beginning with the essentials for preparing a paper for submission to an IEEE journal, the common causes of immediate rejection by the Journal administrator are revealed through a detailed examination of the checklist. Further, the roles of the Editor-in-Chief (EIC) and the Associate Editor (AE) are dissected. Particular attention is given to the tools used for selecting and assigning reviewers, including insights into the major reviewer databases employed by IEEE journals. The talk then covers how an Associate Editor formulates recommendations and the way the Editor-in-Chief makes the final decision. Lastly, the seminar discusses the next steps following the decision, detailing what authors should do based on the decision communicated. The seminar will conclude with a Q&A segment addressing common questions and providing answers to further clarify the IEEE peer-review process.
Biography: Prof. Fei Gao is currently the Deputy Director of the French CNRS research institute FEMTO-ST (750 researchers) and a Full Professor at the School of Energy and Computer science of the University of Technology of Belfort-Montbeliard (UTBM). He received from UTBM the PhD degree in renewable energy with distinguished Youth Doctor Award in 2010. His main research fields include hydrogen fuel cells for transportation and digital twin technology for modern power electronics and energy systems. Prof. Gao is a Fellow of IEEE and IET. He is the recipient of 2020 “IEEE J. David Irwin Early Career Award” from IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2022 “Leon-Nicolas Brillouin Award” from SEE France, and 2022 industrial “Sustainable Future Visionary Award” from Typhoon HIL. Prof. Gao is a Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE Industry Applications Society. He is the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Industrial Electronics Technology News, and the Deputy Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification. He currently serves as the Technical Activities Committee Chair of IEEE Transportation Electrification Community, the Vice-Chair of the Technical Committee on Electrified Transportation Systems of IEEE Power Electronics Society and the Secretary of Industrial Automation and Control Committee of IEEE Industry Application Society.
Title: The Changing of Role from Industry to Academia
Dong Jiang, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Abstract: This talk gives experience sharing for young professionals who are thinking of future career life in industry or academia. The presenter has 3 and half years working experience in industry corp research center after graduation as PhD in USA, and then returned to China as professor, which has been for 8 years. The experience in industry is with significant difference of in industry. The presenter will talk about the working experience in industry including the working style, and major challenge and career development. The experience in industry corp research center will be beneficial for returning to academia, but also with many challenges in comparison with the career path all in academia. This experience talk will give young professionals especially PhD graduates an example of future career development.
Biography: Dong Jiang (S05’-M12’-SM16’) received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in 2005 and 2007, respectively. He received Ph.D degree from University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA, in power electronics and motor drives in 2011. He was with the United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT, USA, as a Senior Research Scientist/Engineer, from January 2012 to July 2015. He has been with the Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China, as a Professor, since July 2015. His main research interests include power electronics and motor drives, with more than 200 published IEEE journal and conference papers and more than 60 granted patents in this area. Dr. Jiang is an Associate Editor for the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS. He was the recipient of several best paper awards in IEEE conferences.
Title: Corporate culture and Engineer growth from the HR Viewpoint
Full Name, Delta Electronics
Abstract: TBD.
Biography: TBD.
Title: TBA
Full Name, Macmic Science & Technology
Abstract: TBD.
Biography: TBD.
Title: Understanding, layout and key development direction ofdigital energy
Full Name, Shenzhen lnovance Technology
Abstract: TBD.
Biography: TBD.
Title: New power system modeling and simulation software andtechnology introduction
Full Name, Shanghai Keliang InformationTechnology
Abstract: TBD.
Biography: TBD.
Title: Addressing lmpact and Challenges on Digital Infrastructurefrom Al Large Model Development
Full Name, Vertiv
Abstract: TBD.
Biography: TBD.
SBC Competition
1. INSAT, INSAT IEEE Student Branch Chapter
2. Rand Bassam Al Mdanat, University of Oviedo IEEE, IAS / PELS / PES Joint Student Branch Chapter
3. Xiangwen Sun, Pengye Wang, Feng Hu, Yiyang Yan, Huazhong University of Science and Technology SBC, PEL35, Building a Student Family with a Theme of Power Electronics
4. Hongyi Chen, Rujing Zhang, Yan Zhang, lie Li, Kerning Liu, Zhejiang University, IEEE PELS Zhejiang University Student Branch Chapter
5. Ridima Verma, Ashutosh Yadav, Dr. Sanjiv Kumar, HBTU Kanpur, Future plan of IEEE PELS Student Branch Chapter
6. Lintao Ren, Tianling Shi, Deliang Wu, Chen Xu, School of Mechatronic Engineering and Automation , Shanghai University, IEEE PELS Shanghai University Student Branch Chapter
7. Zheyuan Yi, Tsing Hua University, IEEE PELS Tsinghua University Student Branch Chapter
8. Vaishakh Suresh, IEEE PELS SBC Government College of Engineering
Click the file and know more!
2 University of Oviedo SBC.pdf
3 Huazhong University of Science and Technology SBC.pdf
8 Government College of Engineering SBC.pdf
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